Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Kellerowski is catchy

In the midst of trying to save myself some time while address and writing Christmas cards this year I decided to just write Kellerowski as the name on the return address… figuring most people wouldn’t notice too much (I mean I never really do, I just open stuff if its got my name on it). I figured most of my friends knew about the Kellerowski name (being that I told them) but hadn’t mentioned it to much of my extended family. Well I was extremely amazed that many of my, and Tom’s, relatives noticed and thought it was HILAROUIS. They were all “it’s so clever.. I love it!” Made me feel good, b/c I mean If they had been “why in the world did you do that, I don’t know.” And what made me laugh was when some of them had gotten my card first and then sent theirs addressed to the Kellerowski’s.

It really is the simple things in life that are the best… now if only no one would be offended if we legally changed are names to that (but if we’re not procreating then I guess we’ll be the only generation and its not worth it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! It is catchy, n fact it made me think of ours. There is Friolight and Lightoli, but he really didn't like them. He doesn't get good humor sometimes. Nice that they thought it was witty! Good family to marry into i'd say! :)