Sunday, February 18, 2007

An Inconvient Truth

This weekend Tom and I watched An Inconvenient Truth (you know, that Al Gore documentary) and I must say it was very enlightening. I’m not the biggest Gore fan, but the man has done his research. It really makes you stop and think about all the little things you do every day that can really make an impact on the global environment. It’s sad to realize what bad shape the planet has gotten in, in our lifetime alone.

After watching this film I think we both felt compelled to want to make some changes. So we’re going to start recycling (this is awful, but at this moment in time our building doesn’t have recycling containers, so we’re going to find out why and get them ASAP). That’s our biggest goal, besides just remembering to turn things off when we’re not using them (computers, lights, etc). They even say lots of devices (tv’s, dvd players, stereo’s) use energy when they’re off or on standby. So we’re looking into power cords to make sure those devices are off as often as possible.

There are however quite a few things we already do that were mentioned in the film:

*I take public transportation to work
*We only have one car (and a small fairly efficient one at that)
*We recently have been sealing up our house so our heater runs less often
*We own a programmable thermostat, which allows the heat to not run as high during the day and at night
*We own a small house which obviously doesn’t take as much energy to heat as a two story single family home (no offense to our friends/family members who live that way).

All in all I feel like that’s a good start, considering that was all being done before we saw the film. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it, it will definitely open your eyes up (and it’s really not as boring as it sounds, Gore does have a slight sense of humor!)

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